作者: tanaka0826 (田中㷨莉王) 看板: MLB
標題: Re: [情報] 首次的Competitive Balance Lottery即將
時間: Thu Jul 19 23:48:37 2012
http://0rz.tw/pH5rG http://0rz.tw/Ywl4L
光芒的Matt Silverman表示:
"From Day 1, we have advocated for meaningful change, especially when it
comes to addressing the dramatic imbalances in our game. Meaningful change
has not occurred. It must go well beyond a trifling draft pick that a team in
our position may or, as (Wednesday) showed, may not be fortunate enough to
推 ug945:樓下abc 07/19 21:24
→ abc2090614:hi 07/19 21:24
→ ug945:偽物= = 07/19 21:25
推 abc0922001:hi 07/19 21:25
→ dragon8332:最好樓下還是abc 07/19 21:27
推 SunYatsen:不,我是孫文 07/19 21:32
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 jojo2147:你是來秀簽名檔的吧(誤) 07/19 23:51
推 abc0922001:CC 07/19 23:52
推 a1598742002:秀簽名檔+1 樓上abc 07/19 23:56
推 ug945:= = 07/19 23:57
→ tanaka0826:^_<~* 07/19 23:57
推 linmelissa:做成簽名檔了 07/20 13:13
推 iwillloveyou:lol 07/20 15:48
→ borriss:還以為會往下切一點.. 07/20 17:18
- Jul 20 Fri 2012 20:07
Re: [情報] 首次的Competitive Balance Lottery即將